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Chesworth Counseling & Support
Live Your Best You

Begin Living Your Best You

Bed Bedroom Book

Anxiety is the worst. It can steal all your joy and make even the very best things in life feel burdensome. Some days it is more of a subtle, annoying distraction. Other times it can come over you like a wave and completely consume you. However it plays out, anxiety makes it difficult to be content, enjoy life and be yourself.  

On the outside, everything might appear to be just fine. In fact, you might have achieved a great deal in academics, your career, family life, friendships or life experiences. Because of all of this, people might not even realize you have anxiety. Or if they do notice something, they might chalk it up to you just being a perfectionist, overachiever, planner or overthinker. And maybe some or all of this is true. But you know that these terms don’t capture the full picture of what is going on inside of you. Behind the scenes is an underlying anxiety that you are desperately trying to avoid with all of this “doing.” And perhaps because you are such a high functioning person and things appear to be pretty good in your life, you haven’t reached out for help yet. 

Whatever ways your anxiety impacts your daily living, it has left you feeling like you are in somewhat of a stuck place. Stuck between the life you are currently living and the life you know is possible. At one point or another, you might have pictured another version of yourself. It is still you, but it is the version of you that you know you are capable of becoming. The you who is free from all the anxiety that has been holding you back all this time and keeping you from experiencing real joy and contentment. 

That is where I come in. I am passionate about working with individuals who are ready to be free from anxiety so that they can begin living their best lives. Through the use of clinically tested and proven techniques, I will help you take on this challenge so that you can begin living your very best you. If this sounds familiar and you want to begin to address your anxiety so you can live the life you have always envisioned for yourself, schedule a free consultation today